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In order to dodge Ares' wrath, wicked Eros uses his arrows to trick Ares and Herakles into falling in hot, carnal Greek love. And Eros gets his in the end for his mischief...


"Bluntly put, Dale Lazarov and his artists do beautiful books. I've loved them since the first one I saw--and GREEK LOVE is no different. Sensuous, sexy, hot as hell, it's rough and tender by turns, and if erotic art is your thing, you'll love this one too! It's a pleasure and honor for me to tell you just what a treat lies ahead for you. Buy it, read it, and read it again." --Samuel R. Delany, author of Dhalgren, Hogg, and Through the Valley of the Nest of Spiders



(Book Cover image is censored, actual book does not have eggplant emoji blocking the image)

Greek Love: The Herculean Edition

SKU: 1939888565
  • Dale Lazarov
    Adam Graphite

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