To save his kidnapped brother Jiro from a notorious underworld boss simply known as Yukkon, shy twenty-five-year-old Eli Shigeru will do whatever it takes. As if by a miracle, he crosses paths with a well-dressed gentleman named Kane, who claims to be an assassin offering his services.
In exchange for his help, Kane proposes something Eli never considered. It begins as a Dom/sub partnership. And as things get more serious between them, Kane begins worshipping his submissive Eli in ways he never imagined, both perverse and beautiful.
Eli quickly falls head over heels in love with Kane.
But will that love come at a price? Because Eli soon realizes that he's become a completely different person, all because of Kane. And whether that is a good thing or not, especially as far as his brother Jiro is concerned, only time will tell.
Publisher's note:
Eli's story is a standalone but also continues the "Boyslove in the Gangland District" series.
The Chirping Cricket Desires the Ripened Crop
Kon Blacke