Thirteen-year-old Cecil Harbinger should focus on having a carefree childhood. Instead, Cecil's former imaginary friend, Scarecrow, reappears and murders his mother in an act of revenge-Cecil's mother made Cecil give up Scarecrow.
Scarecrow doesn't stop at killing his mother, though. He beheads Cecil's teacher after Cecil refuses to let Scarecrow back in his life when Scarecrow proposes a truce. So, Cecil enlists the help of his friends: Aurora, Roman, Lena, and Jace. If Cecil wants to vanquish Scarecrow, then he needs all the assistance he can get.
And if life weren't complicated enough, Cecil grapples with his first crush...on one of his best friends: Roman. But if Cecil wants to deal with his first crush successfully, then he needs to be honest about his feelings. Even if vulnerability is now difficult for Cecil in light of being an orphan.
However, Cecil must act fast if he wants to live and be victorious over Scarecrow. There's no telling who Scarecrow might target next. And Cecil doesn't want any more innocent people harmed. Because Scarecrow just might destroy the entire town of Hicklewapper in his quest for vengeance.
Strap in for a wild ride with the first book in Hicklewapper. There will be more...
The Harbinger of Forgotten Things
Chris Bedell