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An adult film legend makes you carbonara while you watch from the couch. A distant uncle alone on his cot gives you immunity. Walt Whitman, reclining in the grass, offers - and rescinds - closure. A week on the ward is a glimpse into sanity. The loveliest things can happen in bed. Novelist and essayist Brian Bouldrey, in this new collection of essays, looks at all the things that happen, and don't happen, in the sack. A lifetime of experience generated these appreciations, thoughts, rants, eulogies, and meditations, all part of a conversational book suitable for any bedroom. From memories of friends we have lost to observations about what we have gained, Bouldrey ranges far over the world of travel, love, culture, art, sex, and books - and brings them straight to your nightstand.


Good in Bed returns to many of Bouldrey's ongoing preoccupations, not just sex and religion, but travel, too, and personal challenge, and the vicissitudes of friendship and culture. Always deeply felt, often funny, sometimes uplifting, and never dull, Bouldrey's book wants to show us both the striking differences among us, and also, our beautiful sameness. A ReQueered Tales Original Publication.



Good In Bed: A Life in Queer Sex, Politics, and Religion

SKU: 1959902059
  • Brian Bouldrey

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